
Birth – 6th Grade

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

It’s great to be a kid at Sojourn Church!

Sojourn Church is committed to providing a spiritually rich environment where children can grow in their faith and deepen their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Children are a gift from the Lord. They are special to both you as parents and to us as a church. Our kid’s ministry is designed to support parents in their responsibility for the spiritual nurture and growth of their children.

 Sojourn Church’s Kid’s Ministry is made up of dedicated workers who love children and are committed to their spiritual well-being. We aim to provide a standard of excellence at every level of our Kid’s Ministry. We understand the significance of partnering with the Lord as He prepares the next generation for the advancement of His kingdom. We want the children to increase in their knowledge of the Bible, to walk in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and to grow in Godly character.

During our Sunday Morning Service, 1st through 3rd grade students will meet in the Youth Room for Kid’s Church that involves a time of worship, games, crafts and a fun biblical lesson your kids will talk about through the whole week. Birth – Kindergarteners meet in the “Color Rooms” and enjoy age appropriate bible lessons, fun worship songs, crafts and games! Students 4th, 5th and 6th grade meet in the Orange Room for “Impact.” This class is a time for fun, worship, crafts, games and a lesson all targeted for students in this age group.

Standards & Availability

In order to maintain an excellent standard, our adult/child ratios are a key component in our classrooms. This allows us to create a safe and productive teaching environment. All of our paid personnel and volunteers have been processed through a criminal background check and many have CPR and First Aid certification. We have high standards of ethics and practices to which we hold all staff.

When the adults meet at Sojourn Church for a service, we make every effort to provide quality childcare. However, one time events and special services at Sojourn often require parents to sign up in advance for child care. Check the event page in the calendar for these special events.

What to Expect When You Arrive on a Sunday Morning

Upon arrival, bring your kids to the Kingdom Kids Check-In desk (take a right before the Worship Center doors. There, you’ll register with the KidCheck System at the iPads. Once you’ve registered the first time, you’ll just need to use your phone number to sign-in in the the future!


When registration and check-in is completed, the printers will print out:

– a label for each child that also contains their classroom assignment

– a guardian label for you


Escort your child(ren) to the assigned classrooms and check-in your child with the Children’s Ministry worker at the classroom door. They will be recording the child’s name and the number located on the child’s label (numbers on all printed tags must match).

Dropped Off Locations

4th, 5th or 6th grade students are dropped off at the orange room at the beginning of service and have worship in their classroom.

Pick-Up Process

When the Worship Service has concluded, head to your child’s/children’s classroom(s) for pick-up. You must present your guardian tag to the Children’s Ministry worker for your child to be released.